IEP-Wizard’s mission is to empower parents/guardians who have special needs children to effectively navigate the complicated world of special education.
IEP-Wizard will provide parents and guardians with expert analysis by a Special Education Expert to review and analyze their child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and then provide parents/guardians with expert opinion via an IEP-Wizard plan consisting of the following:
Your child's educational strengths and needs as it relates to their disability.
Suggested accommodations and/or modifications.
Suggested educational goals.
What may be missing in the IEP or areas that need to be changed.
Questions that need to be asked at the IEP meeting.
And lastly a detailed plan for action that will be emailed and ready for presentation at your child’s next IEP meeting.
When parents and guardians utilize IEP-Wizard they can expect expert opinion and advice by Special Education Experts who are familiar with the following:
IDEA-2004 Disabilities
special education law/implementation
special education best practice approaches
practical knowledge with respect to all facets that encompass special education within the educational environment.
Those who utilize IEP-Wizard can expect best practice approaches that are data driven in-nature and in accordance with IDEA-2004 rules and regulations.
Parents and guardians who have been frustrated by their child’s IEP team due to a lack of progress can benefit from expert opinions provided by Special Education Experts at IEP-Wizard, where the focus is to facilitate an effective partnership with their child’s IEP team.
With the IEP-Wizard membership feature parents and guardians can decrease stress and anxiety associated with yearly IEP meetings by partnering with Special Education Experts to assist them in ensuring IEP plans are aligned in accordance with best practice approaches per IDEA-2004 requirements.
Lastly, parents who utilize IEP-Wizard no longer have to leave IEP meetings with feelings of uncertainty by entrusting the staff at IEP-Wizard to partner with them in ensuring the best possible educational outcomes for their child.
Is IEP-Wizard the same as hiring a special education attorney?No, IEP- Wizard is not the same as hiring a special education attorney. IEP- Wizard’s primary focus is consultative in-nature aimed to assist parents/guardians with support to maximize their child’s educational outcomes in collaboration with their child’s IEP team. It is always best to work collaboratively with your child’s school district at the onset of concerns. However, in the event that your child’s school district dismisses and/or avoids your concerns, then it is your right to seek additional support via a special education advocate and/or special education attorney.
What if my child’s school does not schedule an IEP meeting with me in the timelines requested after presenting my IEP-Wizard plan?1.) First, send your request to your school districts special education director via email. 2.) Secondly, if you do not hear from your school districts special education director, consider hiring a special education advocate and/or attorney to assist with formal procedures (e.g. due process proceedings). TIP: Allow at least 5 business days for a reply.
What if I do not receive my child’s IEP-Wizard plan prior to their annual IEP meeting?Per IDEA-2004 rules and regulations, school districts must convene an IEP addendum at any point in the school year if parents/guardians request a meeting, formally, in writing (e.g. email to special education director works best). TIP: There is no need to panic, you may request an IEP meeting at any point in the school year given reasonable notice, where you can then present your IEP-Wizard plan.
What if my child’s IEP team does not agree and/or implement any of the recommendations provided by IEP-Wizard?Per IDEA-2004 rules and regulations they must consider support and/or recommendations made during any IEP meeting whether it’s your child’s annual IEP meeting and/or scheduled IEP addendum meeting. Moreover, they must provide rationale in writing via the Prior Written Notice (PWN) at the conclusion of the meeting as to what was considered in the meeting and/or rationale for not implementing recommendations. TIP: If your child’s IEP team does not consider recommendations/supports aimed at improving educational outcomes then it is your right to consider hiring a special education advocate and/or special education attorney to assist with formal proceedings (e.g. due process). Lastly, if you the parent/guardian disagree with your child’s IEP meeting, be sure to have that documented in the Prior Written Notice (PWN) at the conclusion of the meeting. Always keep records of your child’s IEP meetings and file them for reference later in the event that you seek support from a special education advocate and/or attorney. More importantly, never leave the IEP meeting without a copy of your child’s IEP which must contain the PWN (e.g. the summary of the IEP meeting).